Many current developments are pointing to a possible near Rapture event. The discussion below details the key considerations in this regard and notes exclamation points on the years 2025 and 2032.

Throughout history, certain events, such as World War II, September 11, and COVID-19 have prompted people to give particular consideration to the possibility of the arrival of the important “last days” (Acts 2:17, 2 Peter 3:3-7) events of the Rapture and the “Great Tribulation” (Matthew 24:21). However, at no time in history have significant and prophetic events converged to the extent that we have experienced in the last few years—prompting many to consider the distinct possibility that the Great Tribulation is very near (along with the Rapture, which is anticipated by many to occur prior to the start of the Great Tribulation).
We note below some of the considerations that curiously converge—pointing to a possible near-term Rapture, and we also highlight the uncanny connections to the years 2032 and 2025. While we are not picking a date here, we are noting interesting facts and perhaps hoping, like the Magi, that because we observe a convergence, we might perhaps see a near term opportunity to worship Jesus in person (Matthew 2:1-2).
1. The Timeline Suggested by the Millennial Day Theory. The Millennial Day Theory suggests that because (a) there were 6 days of creation followed by a sabbath day of rest (Genesis 2:2), and (b) 1 day is like 1,000 years and 1,000 years is like 1 day to God (Psalm 90:4 and 2 Peter 3:8), perhaps from the foundation of the world God ordained a 7,000-year period for humanity on the earth to match the 7-day week that He designed at creation (i.e., the 6 days of creation activity followed by 1 sabbath day of rest).
If the Millennial Day Theory were true, then the final 1,000 years of mankind's time on the earth would equate to the Millennial Reign of Christ, which would effectively be the sabbath time of rest and peace for the earth that would follow the 6,000 years of human history. This of course raises the question: “How close are we to the completion of 6,000 years of the history of mankind on the earth?” When we know approximately the time during which the Second Coming and Millennial Reign of Christ will be, we can, based on the Millennial Day Theory, also estimate the approximate time of the Rapture—because we estimate the Rapture event to occur 7 years prior to the Second Coming of Christ. Examining calendars can assist us in this regard. Note the considerations applicable to key calendars below.
A. Hebrew Calendar. The current year on the Hebrew calendar (based on the Seder Olam Rabbah) is 5784—suggesting that we still have approximately 216 years to go before the completion of 6,000 years. However, the Seder Olam Rabbah calendar appears to have a few patent errors. To sidestep some of the errors, we can find a common benchmark on the Hebrew calendar and match it against the Gregorian calendar. A perfect benchmark for this purpose is the destruction of the first temple. The Seder Olam Rabbah indicates that the Babylonians destroyed the first temple in year 3338 on the Hebrew calendar. Now, we know that, on the Gregorian calendar, the first temple was destroyed in June/July of either 586 BC or 587 BC. Using, for example, 586 BC as the starting point, we can better compare the current dates of the Gregorian and Hebrew calendars.
i. Thus, if we add 586 years to get to get from the year of the destruction of the first temple to year 1 AD on the Gregorian calendar and add 2023 years to get from 1 AD to the current year of 2024, we have a total of 2,609 years.
ii. If we then add 2,609 years to year 3338 (i.e., the Hebrew calendar year for the destruction of the first temple), we get the new calculated year of 5947 (not 5784). The year 5947 is, of course, substantially closer to year 6,000 than 5784 (the current year on the Hebrew calendar).
iii. Also, there is another error to fix in the Hebrew calendar regarding the age of Abraham.
a. The Seder Olam Rabbah calculates 70 years between the birth of Abraham and the birth of his father Terah—likely based on Genesis 11:26—assuming that Abraham was Terah’s first son.
b. However, considering the following 3 scriptures—
1. Genesis 11:32 – Terah died at age 205.
2. Genesis 12:4 – Abraham was 75 years old when he left Haran.
3. Acts 7:4 (which the Seder Olam Rabbah would never consider) – Abraham waited until the death of his father before he left Haran.
we readily see that if Abram left Haran when he was 75, and his father Terah died at 205, then Terah had to be 130 years old when he had Abraham—not 70 years old. This means the Seder Olam Rabbah should add another 60 years to its Hebrew calendar. If we do that, today’s year would be 6007 (i.e., 5947 + 60 = 6007).
B. James Ussher Calendar. James Ussher, the archbishop of the Church of Ireland from 1625-1656, using a methodology comparable to that the Seder Olam Rabbah, calculated the creation of the earth to be October 23, 4004 BC. Using his calendar, we come up with another interesting date:
i. If we start with year 4004 BC and add all of the years after the hypothetical year 0, (i.e., 2024 years), we end up at year 6028.
ii. If we then subtract 1 year for the BC-AD conversion, we end up at the year 6027.
C. Calendar Comparison. Thus, under both the Hebrew calendar and the James Ussher calendar, we can see that it appears we have crossed the 6,000-year mark. This is why some scholars are now suggesting that the plan of God for the earth is based not on the date of creation, but rather on the date that Adam and Eve sinned. And this idea is compelling, since the Garden of Eden represented perfection, and the perfection crashed when Adam and Eve sinned; the elimination of the perfection prompted the need for a plan of redemption—so that mankind could be restored to the original perfection. But we have no way of knowing the date on which Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit. From the perspective of our desire to see the Rapture and the Millennial Reign of Christ, we are of course hoping that they sinned right away. But … we do not know.
There is also a possibility of another miscalculation by both the Seder Olam Rabbah and Ussher. Notwithstanding any additional calculation errors, however, we know that we are very close in time to the completion of 6,000 years and therefore the start of the final 1,000 years--assuming that the Millennial Day Theory holds true.
D. A More Current Date Marker. We also have a re-start marker for the calculation when considering the death, burial, resurrection and ascension of Jesus.
i. Hosea 6:2 suggests that 2 days (i.e., 2,000 years) after the death, burial resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ (which would be approximately 6,000 years since the creation of the earth, which James Ussher approximates to be 4004 BC ), we will be revived (raptured?) and that we would be raised up (the Millennial Reign of Christ or transport to New Heaven and New Earth?) on the 3rd day.
ii. The death, burial and resurrection of Christ appear to have occurred in 32 AD:
a. We know that John the Baptist started his ministry between 9/17/28 and 9/17/29.
* Luke 3:1-3 – 15th year of Tiberius Ceasar.
* 14 AD + 15 years = 29 AD.
b. Jesus was likely baptized sometime between June and September of 29 AD--close to the start of John the Baptist's ministry. Notably, water temperatures in the Jordan River appear to be most comfortable during that time.
c. There are 3 recorded Passovers during Jesus’ ministry following His baptism:
* John 2:13 (30 AD)
* John 6:4 (31 AD)
* John 11:55 (and John 12:1, 13:1, 18:28, 18:39, 19:14) (32 AD)
d. The last Passover marks the time of Jesus’ death, burial, resurrection and ascension—which would be 32 AD.
These considerations collectively suggest the year 2032 as being 2000 years after the death, burial and resurrection of Christ—hinting, according to Hosea 6:2 in relation to the Millennial Day Theory, at a significant event such as the Second Coming of Christ occurring in the year 2032 (i.e., returning "after 2 days" or, stated differently, 2 days after He departed--consistently with Hosea 6:2).
iii. We have a further parallel in the story of Jesus and Lazarus (John 11). Jesus waited 2 days before leaving and returning to resurrect Lazarus (John 11:6). Thus, Jesus was deliberately absent for 2 days, and upon His return there was a resurrection. Again, considering the Millennial Day Theory, it would appear that the 2 days would represent 2,000 years--followed by Jesus returning and saying to us the same thing that He said to Lazarus: "Come forth!" (John 11:43; see also Revelation 4:1, 11:12).
iv. Considering further the prophecy of the angel, Gabriel, to Daniel, as recorded in Daniel 9:24-27 that a final 7-year period has been ordained for the Jews and Jerusalem (see the next point below), it would appear that the church would have to be raptured from the earth 7 years prior to that date. Of course, 7 years prior to 2032 is 2025.
2. Daniel’s 70th Week – The angel, Gabriel, gave the prophet, Daniel, a highly unique prophecy, indicating that 70 periods of 7 years (i.e., 490 years) are distinctly prophesied regarding the descendants of Jacob and the city of Jerusalem (Daniel 9:24-27). Many and perhaps most evangelical Christian scholars believe that 69 of those periods have already been fulfilled by the time of Jesus’ death, burial, resurrection and ascension. Thus, the final week, the 70th week, is awaiting fulfillment. Gabriel indicated that the final or 70th week is marked by a person’s confirming a covenant with “many” for one 7-year period (Daniel 9:27); the person is believed to be the antichrist for a number of reasons—particularly including the fact that the person breaks the covenant after 3.5 years (Daniel 9:27). Again, many evangelical Christian scholars believe that this final 7-year period includes the time of the Great Tribulation (Matt. 24:21) and that it is preceded by the Rapture.
Interestingly, shortly after Jesus ascended into heaven (estimated at 32 AD as discussed above), Israel was, in 70 AD, conquered by Rome, the nation was scattered, Jerusalem was overtaken, and the temple was completely destroyed. This destruction suspended the final 7-year period prophesied for the descendants of Jacob and the city of Jerusalem. In the interim years many Christians wondered how this prophecy could be fulfilled absent a nation of Israel. However, a series of events caused the nation of Israel to almost suddenly resume its existence:
A. On May 14, 1948, the nation of Israel was officially re-formed—fulfilling the prophecy of Isaiah 66:8 regarding a nation’s being formed in a day.
B. On May 17, 1949, the nation of Israel was officially admitted as a member state into the United Nations—affirming international recognition of its status as a nation.
C. On June 7, 1967, the nation of Israel gained control over the entire city of Jerusalem in the 6-Day War—enabling the Daniel 9:24-27 prophecy to finally be fulfilled.
Considering Israel’s having been re-born, having received international recognition, having re-assumed control over the city of Jerusalem, and having become the nation-state of the Jewish people, Gabriel’s prophecy regarding the final 7-year period is now fully and finally capable of being fulfilled.
3. Fig Tree Generation – Israel is at times referred to in Scripture as a fig tree (Hosea 9:10, Joel 1:7). In this regard, it is no coincidence that Jesus, in the Olivet Discourse, said “Now learn the parable from the fig tree: as soon as its branch has become tender and sprouts its leaves, you know that summer is near; so you too, when you see all these things [i.e. the events preceding and of the great tribulation as described in Matt. 24:5-31], recognize that He is near, right at the door.” (Matt. 24:32-33.) Inasmuch as the nation of Israel was practically dead for nearly 1900 years, the nation’s coming to life again in 1948 prompts us to consider whether the fig tree’s branch has become tender and sprouted its leaves once again—suggesting that Jesus’ Second Coming could be soon (at the conclusion of the time of the Great Tribulation).
Further, Jesus told His disciples, “Truly I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all these things take place” (Matt. 24:34). Many evangelical Christian scholars believe that “this generation” is the generation of people born around the same time that Israel was born. Considering further the prayer of Moses indicating that “[a]s for the days of our life, they contain seventy years, [o]r if due to strength, eighty years” (Psalm 90:10a), many believe that something significant must occur in the paradigm of God within 80 years of 1948—which would be the year 2028. Again, could 2025, falling within that timeframe, be a marker for the “fig tree generation”?
4. Birth Pains – In His Olivet Discourse, Jesus mentioned a number of things as constituting the labor or birth pains of a woman before her baby is born—a metaphor for the events preceding the "Day of the Lord" or the Second Coming of Jesus (Matt. 24:5-8) (responding to the disciples' specific inquiry as to the signs of His coming). These events include (a) people claiming to be Christ (Matt. 24:5), (b) wars and rumors of wars (Matt. 24:6), (c) nation rising against nation and kingdom against kingdom (Matt. 24:7a), (d) famines (Matt. 24:7b), and (e) earthquakes in various places (Matt. 24:7b).
Considering the list provided by Jesus, many people believe that we are witnessing the birth pains now—inasmuch as the described events seem to be pervasive at this time. Of course, after the birth pains, the baby will be born, i.e., the final period before the Second Coming of Christ will occur. Thus, when examining the timeframe provided by Jesus, particularly in relation to the "birth pains," it is not difficult to believe that we are on the verge of something significant in these last days.
5. Signs in the Heavens – Jesus indicated that in the last days we would see signs in the heavens (Luke 21:25).
A. Blood Moon Tetrads. There is also an indication that the moon will be turned to blood following the opening of the 6th seal (Rev. 6:12; see also Joel 2:31 and Acts 2:20). While the typical blood moons that we see on occasion (as a consequence of having their sunlight eclipsed by the earth) are not THE blood moon described in Revelation and do not otherwise fall within the timeframe referred to in these scriptures, we recognize that celestial events can be signs ordered by God (Gen. 1:14).
In this regard, we note that a tetrad, which is a series of 4 consecutive total lunar eclipses (i.e., blood moons)—approximately six months apart, is fairly unique as a significant celestial event. Further, it is even more rare that each of the blood moons in any tetrad would occur on a prominent Jewish festival day. Further, it is notable that past tetrads in the 20th and 21st centuries that have coincided with the Feast of Passover and the Feast of Tabernacles seem to mark significant events applicable to the nation of Israel:
i. 1949-1950 Tetrad – In 1949, the U.S. recognized Israel as a nation, Israel’s government was convened, and Israel was invited into the United Nations.
ii. 1967-1968 Tetrad – In 1967, Israel engaged in the 6-Day War, acquiring significant territories and, significantly, control over Jerusalem.
iii. 2014-2015 Tetrad – In November of 2014, Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, defended his draft of Israel’s Nation-State bill, declaring Israel to be "The nation-state of the Jewish people, and the Jewish people alone." Another version of this Nation-State legislation was eventually adopted on 7/19/2018. (Curiously, too, and perhaps connected to the world in relation to Israel, in 2015, the United Nations created 17 world development goals called the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with the aim of securing "peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future") (see 1 Thessalonians 5:3).
This, of course, raises the question: Considering that the next tetrad that coincides with at least 2 Jewish festivals is scheduled to occur in 2032-2033, what significant event in Israel will it mark? Could it mark the beginning of the Millennial reign of Christ? The Rapture? Some other significant event? Supposing for a moment that the tetrad of 2023-2033 were anticipated to mark the 2nd Coming of Christ and the establishment of His millennial kingdom, wouldn’t that mean that the pre-tribulation Rapture would have to occur 7 years earlier in or before the year 2025? When you consider the information below regarding the 70th Jubilee, it becomes even more interesting to consider the possibility of a significant event occurring in 2025.
B. Apophis. The asteroid, Apophis (the name of which refers to a demon serpent who personifies evil), is projected by NASA to fly fairly close to the earth on April 23, 2029. The name and timing of this asteroid are particularly curious, because Revelation 8:8-11 indicates that when the 2nd and 3rd angels sound their trumpets of judgment (approximately halfway into the 21 judgments of God), something like a great mountain burning with fire is hurled into the sea, and a great star named Wormwood falls from heaven into the rivers and springs on the earth. These judgments result in the massive loss of life and damage to the water of the earth. Assuming that the 2nd and 3rd trumpet judgments were approximately in the middle of the 7-year period of tribulation, and that Apophis striking the earth is part of those judgments, then the tribulation would have to have started approximately in the late fall of 2025.
6. The 70th Jubilee. There is disagreement amongst Hebrew scholars as to whether the Jubilee year is the first year of the next Jubilee, or if the Jubilee year is the 50th year followed by the start of a new 7-year "Shemitah" (or "Shmita" or "Sabbatical Year") cycle. However, it is interesting to note that, if the scholars that hold to the view that the 50th year starts the next Shemitah are correct, then the next Jubilee announcement should be on October 1, 2025, and that ram's horn declaration would announce the 70th Jubilee year--i.e., the start of the final year of the 70th period of seven 7-year Shemitahs since the nation of Israel first entered into the promised land). Details regarding this calculation are provided below:
A. Solomon became king in 970 BC. Thus, the 4th year of his reign would be 966 BC.
B. According to 1 Kings 6:1, the 4th year of Solomon’s reign (the year 966 BC) marks the 480th year of Israelites coming out of Egypt.
* If we go back in time 480 years from 966 BC, we end up at 1446 BC – the year Israel left Egypt (i.e., 966 + 480 = 1446).
C. The Israelites wandered in the wilderness for 40 years (Exodus 16:35, Numbers 32:13).
D. If we subtract those 40 years from the year that Israel left Egypt, we get to 1406 BC (i.e., 1446 – 40 years = 1406 BC).
E. Therefore, the official year of Israel’s entry into the promised land was most likely 1406 BC.
* The Israelites crossed the Jordan River into the Promised Land on the 1st day of the 10th month (Tevet), which equates approximately to January 1 on the Gregorian calendar (Joshua 4:14). Crossing into the Promised Land starts the Jubilee clock per the instruction of God (see Leviticus 25:1-12).
* The Israelites celebrated the first day of their first Passover in the Promised Land on the scheduled time of the 14th day of the 1st month (Nissan), which equates approximately to mid-April on the Gregorian calendar (Joshua 5:10).
* The day after the start of Passover (i.e., the 15th day of the 1st month (Nissan), which again equates approximately to mid-April on the Gregorian calendar), the Israelites celebrated the first day of their Feast of Unleavened Bread, the manna stopped at that time, and they also ate of the produce of the land (Joshua 5:11-12). Curiously, the Bible does not indicate that they sowed any seed to get the food that they ate, so this raises a question as to whether the clock officially started on this date per Leviticus 25:1-12. However, the implication of the manna stopping and the Israelites eating the produce of the land suggests that the clock started in this year.
F. 70 Jubilees spans 3430 years (i.e., 70 x 7 x 7 = 3430 years).
G. If we add 70 Jubilee periods to the time when Israel officially entered into the promised land, we get the year 2024 (i.e., 3430 – 1406 = 2024).
H. If we then add 1 year to account for the BC to AD calendar conversion (there is no "0" year to count to and from, so we have to add 1 year), we get to the year 2025 (i.e., 2024 + 1 = 2025).
I. The Yom Kippur ram’s horn sounding (as required by God per Leviticus 25:9, which announces the 70th Jubilee year) should occur on October 1, 2025, according to the current Hebrew calendar as based on lunar activity.
J. With regard to the issue as to whether the Jubilee year is the 1st year of the next Jubilee period, note the following consideration: some scholars believe that Ezekiel 40:1 suggests, by virtue of the reference to the date of Ezekiel's vision as the 10th day of the 7th month (Tishrei), which is Yom Kippur or the Day of Atonement, that the day marks the start of a Jubilee year (Leviticus 25:9):
* In Ezekiel 43 (a continuation of the Ezekiel 40:1 vision and deliberately suggesting a parallel future Jubilee year) Messiah returns to His land (per Leviticus 25:10 each is to return to his own property), and considering His returning in relation to His references to “My” when referring to His throne and dwelling place in Ezekiel 43:6-9).
* Identification of this date as the start of a Jubilee year is consistent with the analysis that the Jubilee calculation started in Spring of 1406 BC and that the Jubilee periods are 49 years each in duration: the 14th year after Jerusalem was taken by Babylon (per Ezekiel 40:1) (which we know occurred in 587 BC) is the year 573 BC, which happens to be 833 years after the Israelites crossed the Jordan, entered the land and ate of its harvest (see Joshua 5:11-12 and Leviticus 25:1-12); 833 years is exactly 17 49-year periods! 833 years is not even close to being divisible by 50.
* Thus, if the date of this vision is the start of a Jubilee, then the Ezekiel 40-43 vision is perhaps the best proof text for the idea that (a) the Jubilee year is also the 1st year of the next succeeding Jubilee period (i.e., that the Jubilees are consecutive 49-year periods), and (b) the first Jubilee period started in the Spring of 1406 BC.
Thus, October 1, 2025, should be the official ram’s horn announcement of the 70th Jubilee year from the date on which Israel entered into the promised land. While the Jews do not recognize this date (because they don’t celebrate Jubilees unless all twelve tribes are living in their ancestral lands in Israel), there is little question regarding the significance of this date on the calendar of God. Wouldn’t a Rapture on or near that date be significant, considering that the Rapture is, in essence, a marker for the reinvigoration of God’s plan for the nation of Israel and Jerusalem (considering the Daniel 9:24-27 prophecy).
Interestingly, too, even if the alternative position regarding the calculation of the Jubilee were to somehow be correct, such that a Jubilee is truly consecutive 50-year periods, it is nevertheless interesting that seven 490-year periods would have elapsed (presenting a numerical connection to (a) the Daniel 9:24-27 prophecy regarding 490 years and (b) the number Jesus' used to describe the number of times that a person should forgive, i.e., 70 x 7, which is 490) (Matthew 18:22). Of course, the number could just be coincidental, but it becomes curious when the number of coincidences converge.
7. The Correlation to Jacob’s Trouble. Many scholars have also considered the connections between the time of Jacob’s Trouble and the time of the Great Tribulation (Jeremiah 30:7, Daniel 12:1, Amos 7:1-6, Matthew 24:15-22, Revelation 6-12); a few scholars, including Randy Nettles, have endeavored to connect Jacob’s trouble to a particular year or timeframe. Here’s how the trouble that Jacob experienced can be connected to the nation of Israel with parallels that tie to 2025 and 2032:
A. Determine Jacob’s Age at the Time of His Trouble. Jacob was deceived by his uncle and father-in- law, Laban, inasmuch as (a) Laban promised Jacob that Jacob could marry Laban’s daughter, Rachel, if Jacob would work for Laban for 7 years, and (b) Laban awarded Jacob with Laban’s other daughter, Leah, instead, forcing Jacob to have to agree to work an additional, unexpected 7 years (Jacob’s trouble) to get Laban’s daughter Rachel (the desire of Jacob’s heart) (Gen. 29). It appears that Jacob was 84 years old at the time that he was able to marry both Leah and Rachel and begin his unexpected additional 7 years of labor:
* Jacob was 130 when met with Pharoah (Gen. 47:9); Joseph had to be 39 years old at that time, which means that Joseph was born to Jacob when Jacob was 91 years old (i.e., 130 – 39 = 91).
o Joseph was 30 years when a leader at Egypt (Gen. 41:46).
o Thereafter, Joseph experienced Egypt’s 7 years of plenty, making him 37 years old by the end of the years of plenty (Gen. 41:47-48).
o Following the years of plenty, there was a famine; 2 years into the famine, Joseph (now 39 years of age) reconnects with his father and introduces Jacob to Pharoah at which time Jacob declared his age of 130 years (Gen. 45:6, 11 and Gen. 47:7-10).
* When Joseph was born, Jacob, who we now know was age 91 at the time, insisted that he be allowed to leave Laban (Gen. 30:25). At that time, Jacob complained that he had worked for Laban for 14 years (Gen. 31:41). Thus, Jacob had to be 77 years old when he started working for Laban (91 – 14 = 77).
* Because Jacob worked for Laban for 7 years before he married Leah and Rachel (Gen. 29:20-30), he had to be 84 years old when married them (77 + 7 = 84). Because he had to work a total of 14 years to be able to marry his desired Rachel, it can fairly be said that “Jacob’s trouble” (in working for Laban) started at Jacob’s age of 77, and that he didn't realize the benefit of his promise (of Rachel) until 7 years later at age 84.
Thus, Jacob was 77 years old at the time that his trouble began.
B. Calculate the Age of Israel, Based on Jacob’s Age at the Time of His Trouble.
* Israel was established as a nation in 1948.
* If Jacob’s trouble started when he was 77 years old, and if the nation of Israel were to begin to experience its trouble (i.e., the Great Tribulation) at the same age, then Israel would begin its trouble in 2025 (1948 + 77 = 2025), and it would not realize the benefit of the promise given to the nation (its land, peace, temple and Messiah) until 7 years later, i.e., 2032.
Therefore, if there is a direct age correlation between Jacob (whose name was changed by God to “Israel” per Gen. 32:28), who experienced his time of particular personal trouble at age 77 years old, and the nation of Israel, which is prophesied to experience the Great Tribulation (which is also equated in Daniel 9:24-27 with a 7-year period), then we can conclude that Israel should be 77 years old when the Great Tribulation begins, and that age would be attained by Israel in the year 2025.
Again, of course, we would expect the Great Tribulation period to conclude and Israel to receive the benefit of its promise in the year 2032, which would mark the year of the return of the Messiah.
8. Consolidation of National Power into a World Government. Revelation 13 describes a future, singular world power that endeavors to govern humanity. The world power appears to be led by a single prominent individual along with a person who is described as a false prophet (Revelation 13, Revelation 17, Daniel 7:25, 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4, 9-10). The world leader has as one of his missions the tormenting of Christians (Revelation 13:7). Historically, there have only been a few nations that rose to become world governments. It is anticipated that the next world government will be the government of the antichrist.
In this regard, it is interesting to see certain world governing bodies begin to take action to affect all humanity on the globe. The United Nations was formed on October 24, 1945. Since its formation, we have witnessed this body endeavoring to advocate the adoption of various actions by all nations, including human rights standards and environmental standards. In addition, the World Health Organization, formed on April 7, 1948, promotes international standards for health and disease prevention; we witnessed the actions of the World Health Organization during the COVID-19 pandemic—imposing regulations on people of all nations of the world as it endeavored to contain the virus. The International Monetary Fund, formed December 27, 1945, is an international organization that works to promote global economic stability, growth, and cooperation and encourages nations to implement monetary policy and economic reforms. In connection with the 2008 financial crisis, the IMF provided emergency loans to countries facing economic difficulties and offered policy advice to help them recover. It also worked to stabilize the global financial system by coordinating responses among countries. The World Trade Organization, formed on January 1, 1995, is an international organization that promotes standards regarding international trade.
Interestingly, the United Nations has adopted its "Sustainable Development" goals for the year 2030 (between the years 2025 and 2030). Their "Agenda is a plan of action for people, planet and prosperity. It also seeks to strengthen universal peace in larger freedom." They want to "end poverty and hunger," "protect the planet from degradation," "ensure that all human beings can enjoy prosperous and fulfilling lives and that economic, social and technological progress occurs in harmony with nature," and "foster peaceful, just and inclusive societies which are free from fear and violence." In essence, they want to accomplish what Jesus will accomplish during His Millennial Reign. However, as Paul writes, "While they are saying, 'Peace and safety!' then sudden destruction will come upon them like labor pains upon a pregnant woman, and they will not escape" (1 Thessalonians 5:3). If a 2025 Rapture were to occur, there is no question that the tribulation would be in full force by 2030--causing Paul's prophecy to be realized.
In sum, the modern development of these international government organizations suggests that the world is preparing for the final, future world government. This anticipated entity has been described by some world leaders as “the new world order.” The recent substantial involvement of these world organizations in international crises suggests that the nations of the world are prepared to embrace international policies, standards and regulations in times of crises—which the tribulation period undoubtedly presents to the world. The recent involvement by these international organizations also suggests that the world will indeed embrace international guidance for the crisis of the Rapture and the Great Tribulation.
9. Suggestions from the Essenes’ Calendar.
SkywatchTV's editor indicates that 11QMelchizedek of the Dead Sea Scrolls identifies the 7-year Shemittah period ending in 32 AD as being the time at which it was prophesied that those of the “inheritance of Melchizedek” would be released from their iniquities. Again, of course, 2,000 years after 32 AD is the year 2032.
Dr. Ken Johnson has posted online an interactive and graphic illustration of the Essenes’ 7,000-year calendar that the Essenes divided into 4 ages, further divided into 1,000-year periods, further divided into 500-year periods called “Onahs,” further divided into 50 year “Jubilee” periods, further divided into 7-year Shemittahs (with the Jubilee year constituting the 50th year of the Jubilee period). There are a number of amazing considerations applicable to the calendar, but it’s interesting to note that in Onah 12, the 9th Jubilee ends with the year 2025, and the 1st Shemittah of the 10th Jubilee ends in the year 2032.
10. Incidence of Rapture and Tribulation Dreams. Joel 2:28-29 provides a prophecy that in the last days the Spirit of God will cause people to have dreams and visions. Contextually, the prophecy appears to apply during the Millennial Reign of Christ. However, Acts 2:13-21 records Peter’s belief that unusual events occurring at that time—namely, the disciples’ speaking in tongues—was evidence of the activity of the Holy Spirit as promised in the last days. In this regard, it is interesting to note that there is a marked increase in the reports of people having Rapture and tribulation dreams. A review of YouTube videos alone in this regard demonstrates the notable occurrences (see, for example, Uplifted and Cloud9Blessings). While it is indeed possible that various Christians had dreams of the Rapture and tribulation over the course of the last 2,000 years, never in history have so many such dreams actually been reported. Interestingly, too, never before in history have there been so many mechanisms by which people can publicly share their testimonies of having such dreams with confidence that in some instances tens of thousands of persons will see them. Indeed, this consideration was prophesied by an angel to Daniel as recorded in Daniel 12:4, indicating that in the last days knowledge will increase.
For many of those persons who experience such dreams, they declare quite sincerely that the dreams are intensely vivid, memorable and amazing. It is quite possible that this phenomenon is evidence that something significant is about to happen. Certainly, if the Rapture were to occur, the evidence of the many dreams will help to provide proof to many who look for it that the Rapture was an event caused by God and not by any other means that the antichrist government will offer to the world as the explanation for so many missing people.
11. The Last Trump. Finally, we note another curious consideration regarding Donald J. Trump (and we recognize that this is a stretch, but it’s still thought-provoking) (we note, too, that we had to change the text of this point as a consequence of the 2024 election). Donald J. Trump has been re-elected as President of the United States; he is scheduled to be inaugurated in 2025. It is impossible, when thinking about the re-election of Donald J. Trump, to ignore the prominent Rapture verse 1 Corinthians 15:52 as first worded in the first printing of the internationally famous King James Version of the Bible: “In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.” And if that were not enough, it is also important to note 1 Thessalonians 4:16, as first worded in the first printing of the King James Version of the Bible, which states "For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God ...." Was it coincidence that in the year 1611, as the KJV was first being published, that these much-memorized passages would contain the curious translation “at the last trump” and "with the trump of God" instead of using the word “trumpet”? We’re not sure, but one has to wonder if it is possible that something were being hinted at by God in the translation that we could only realize in 2025. This possibility becomes even more engaging when you consider this: the KJV uses the word "trumpet" 104 times, while it uses the word "trump" only 2 times--in these verses that constitute the 2 most prominent rapture verses in all of scripture.
Interestingly, too, Donald J. Trump didn’t enjoy a 2nd consecutive term—which would have made it seem more like a single presidency. Instead, despite his age, he returned to seek office a second time—making the second presidency truly the “last Trump” presidency.
In this regard, consider, too, the possibility that even Satan has thought about a possible Rapture event in 2025 and, fully aware of the KJV 1 Corinthians 15:52 and 1 Thessalonians 4:26 connections, accordingly inspired people to try to impeach, prosecute, convict and even take the life of Donald J. Trump—in an effort to disrupt and prevent the possibility of a “last Trump” presidency.
But the connections to Donald J. Trump and the rapture do not end here. Jonathan Cahn, the famous Messianic Jewish Pastor in New Jersey and author of The Harbinger, observed in a prophetic word given at the International Faith Summit that a particular passage of the Torah was read in Jewish synagogues around the world within hours after Donald J. Trump's birth on June 14, 1946 (within a few hours, it was the sabbath in Israel,16 Sivan 5706, on the Hebrew calendar); the entire passage read was Numbers 8:1-12:16. At the event, Jonathan Cahn emphasized and prophesied about that passage of scripture Donald J. Trump's connection to the rebuilding of the Third Temple in Israel--which in and of itself has connection to Bible prophecy. However, we also see the amazing connection to the rapture.
Notably, this passage of scripture includes God's specific instruction for the fabrication of 2 silver trumpets (see Numbers 10:1-10)--again, 2 "trumps." Moreover, God specifically indicated that one of the key purposes of the trumpets is for "summoning the congregation" (Numbers 10:2)--which appears to be the very purpose of the "trumps" mentioned in 1 Corinthians 15:52 and 1 Thessalonians 4:16. Moreover, Numbers 8:1-4, makes specific reference to the seven lamps of the lampstand, which has incredible connection to the 7 churches of Revelation 1-3. In addition, Numbers 9:15-23 makes repeated reference to God's presence in the cloud, which has a connection to our meeting Jesus in the clouds as indicated in 1 Thessalonians 4:17.
Interestingly, too, the following additional scriptures were read: Zechariah 3, which states in verse 8, "... behold, I am going to bring in My servant the Branch." Of course, we know from other prophetic scriptures (Isaiah 11:1, Jeremiah 23:5-6, and Jeremiah 33:15-17) that the Branch is Jesus. Further, the scripture also includes the first portion of Zechariah 4, which, amazingly, also refers to the 7 lamps of the lampstand and also the 2 olive branches--which Revelation 11:4 specifically identifies as the 2 witnesses.
These are not necessarily all of the interesting possible connections of this passage to the rapture and even to the tribulation period, but they are enough, perhaps, to help you see that Donald J. Trump's re-election might be a sign of a possible rapture timeframe.
In sum, there are a host of curious considerations that all appear to be converging, and there further appears to be notable highlights around the years 2025 and 2032. While there is no possible way to know for sure what God has in mind for the date of the Rapture and the time of the Great Tribulation, such considerations definitely prompt us to be watchful and to long for the appearing of Jesus (2 Timothy 4:8).
Amazing article! Thanks & God Bless!